Sales is a Process- Step 2 is Gaining Favorable Attention

After the Introduction,the next step in the sales process is to Gain Favorable Attention.The buyer has made the decision that the sales person is someone they can trust but now they want to hear that you have their interest first when dealing with them.Now is the time to ask general questions related to the person or their company. These are not detailed questions but ones such as “Can you tell me something about yourself ? ”  or ” Please tell me about your company ?”. Such questions will allow the buyer to talk and give you some knowledge about their likes and dislikes or what type of company they operate. The buyer knows the most about themselves and their business so they can be at ease discussing it with you. You should listen carefully and take notes where possible. It show your concern and that what they are telling you is important. Later in the process you might be able to use this information to help them make a decision.