How to Find Your Life’ s Purpose Without Losing Your Head

What’s your purpose in life? Have you figured it out yet?


It’s an important subject. Most people spend a good portion of their lives thinking about it.


Thousands upon thousands of self-help books have been published on the question, each claiming to have the answer. We want to know. We’ve read them all. We made the authors’ a lot of money.


The meaning of life was a central theme of Woody Allen’s too. The majority of his biggest films – both comedies and dramas – revolved around it. We helped him make a lot of money too.


We all want to feel we lead purposeful lives.


Oftentimes in business, we know that when we lose a sale, it’s not because we don’t have all the answers. We’re just not asking the right questions.


Could figuring out our life’s purpose be as simple as learning the right questions to ask ourselves?


Adam Leipzig thinks so. In this short TEDx talk, the producer, writer and film executive poses 5 questions everyone should ask themselves, to find their purpose in life.


It’s delightful, entertaining, and amazingly, absolutely true.

