“When the going gets tough, the tough get going”

This often repeated quotation, attributed to Joseph P. Kennedy, is one that is very applicable to today. When we hear that things are not good or when things start to slow down, many people make it worse by getting into a negative thought pattern. It is very easy not be positive. Negative thinking allows us to blame our problems on someone or something else. So like an ostrich, we can put our head in the sand and hope the problem goes away.

One of the most common ways of negative thinking is fearing a scary event in the future, something that perhaps will never happen. You could be spoiling your present for a future that is not even real.

Another common way of negative thinking is imagining things that are not actually there, or thinking ourselves as a victim. At these times, it is useful to differentiate between thoughts and reality. In the end, where are you living, in your thoughts or in reality?

Every day we are inundated with negative news in our newspapers, radio and television.

We are being told how bad the economy is doing, that global warming will destroy our environment, and crime is at its highest levels. With this information in our minds, we have two choices dwell on the positive or on the negative. I suggest you focus on the positive.


As business people, we all know that there are good business times and bad business times.  The key is to have a plan that will get you through both. If you don’t know where you are going how can you possibly get there.


We have all been hearing that the economy is headed for a recession.  The facts are that the mortgage industry went through a tough time and that the price of gas this past summer was at its highest levels.  However, on June 25, 2008, Oracle Corporation reported record sales and profits and surpassed IBM to become the 2nd largest software company in the world. Their sales are an indicator of future growth in the economy. On the same day, oil futures fell sharply and gas prices inched lower. As of today, gas is half the price of last summer. Does this information mean we can sit back and all will be roses? Probably not! So what does it mean?


It means that in business things happen every day, some good and some bad. We should not try to react but we should plan and take action.  Develop a solid business plan and execute your plan every day. Stay positive by being in charge of your business. Start every day with the attitude that it will be a good and productive day. We still have to be realist but we can be positive realist. So if you have a good business plan with actionable goals that you are implementing daily then you are more like Oracle. If you don’t, then stop procrastinating, take charge of your future, and get going.


For more information about this or other leadership issues contact Hank Sullivan at Strategic Solutions 510-432-7596 or email hsullivan@stratsolutions.net. or go to www.stratsolutions.net