Perspective is in the Eye of the Beholder

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”

-Henry David Thoreau



Perspective is everything. What we see is what we believe is true and actual, but the biggest mistake we’re all guilty of is believing others see things in the same way we do.






I’m told this little quiz is making the rounds on the internet, and that it was really given to 6 year olds. The amazing thing about it is that children can actually ‘get’ this, while most adults can’t.
Children have a natural curiosity that allows them to play with things from a variety of perspectives, which actually gives them the advantage over us grown ups who’s curiosity gene seems to diminish with age.  We also tend to look for the most complicated ways of psych through issues.  The answer, in this case is simple: turn the picture upside down.



A lesson for us: Never let the world destroy your natural curiosity.  The answers could be right in front of your nose.





Here’s another one for you, and one business owners forget when dealing both with their customers as well as their employees






Regardless of whether we’re are stranded on a desert island or adrift at sea, each one of us holds the solution to another’s dilemma, but oftentimes we don’t see that unless we shift our perspective and see ourselves and our value from another person’s perspective.  It allows us to develop the capacity to empathize and be compassionate to another’s needs.



other peoples shoes


Have a good week.