All Are Welcome. We Are One

Black, white, yellow, brown, red. Christian, Jew, Muslim, Buddhist, Hindu, Jain, Sikh, Sufi deists, agnostics and everything in between.  Men, women, transgenders. Young people, old people.

Those with blue eyes, and those with brown or green. Tall people, short people and those of average size. People who speak our language and those who don’t. As a nation, and as a people, we were born to embrace inclusiveness and diversity. It’s part of our fiber. It’s what makes us one. All are welcome. Everyone has the right to live freely and openly as they choose.

Our only requisite is to do no harm.

Yet, regardless of race, religion, ethnicity, culture, age or gender, I can’t think of one person who has not felt discriminated against at some point in their lives.  I know.  It’s not fair.

There will always be some people who will love us or hate us for who we are, who they think we are, or who we’re not.

Those people don’t represent all.  And they certainly don’t represent us.

Nonetheless, sometimes we become senseless targets.

Horrific events happen that shake the very essence of what we stand for.  How do we respond?

Last night’s Tony awards, which came in the wake of the Orlando tragedy embraced both ‘the show must go on’ tradition, along with moving statements of grief and solidarity for the victims and their families – and some good reminders for us all.

Frank Langella (‘The Father’) reminded us, “When something bad happens we have three choices. We can let it define us, we can let it destroy us or we can let it strengthen us.’

In accepting his award, Lin-Manuel Miranda (‘Hamilton’), delivered a sonnet he had written, which in part says, “Senseless acts of tragedy remind us that nothing here is promised — not one day.  “Love is love; cannot be killed or swept aside.” ….. “Hope and love last longer, and love is love is love is love.”

If we grow stronger, hold each other dearer, and stand together, hate can never kill us.