Putting Profit in Context

Context is a wonderful word. Simply defined it means the circumstances that form the setting for an event, statement, or idea, that allow us to better  understand it’ s true meaning.

That said, we understand that the words we choose may mean different meanings, based on context.

Talk about profit and most people automatically think about money – often gained from an investment.

But looking at context from a small business perspective, we profit every day from transactions having nothing to do with money, and everything to do with value.

The time we spend investing in our customers, our employees, and most importantly, our brand,  will accrue dividends over time, increase our value, and  ultimately help us attain our goals and achieve success.

We understand that while Tom or Jane or Dave may buy the same product or service, their needs may be very different. Our job is to fill those needs within the context of their individual lives.  They know we’d never lead they astray, or sell them something they don’t need.

We know that businesses who create goals based on dollars, rarely succeed. They’re just commodities. Easy come easy go. But businesses who set goals based on success, are most often financially profitable.

Success is an inclusive process. It’s not a solo venture. It brings everyone into the fold. It creates an environment where everyone succeeds, and grows..

Businesses that believe people matter more than product, sell more product.

They also understand that more often than not, people want your ‘why’ before the ‘how much.

Your ‘why’ has the capacity to create the emotional connection that builds belief, and ultimately trust. It grows customer loyalty, positive feedback, word of mouth and ultimately market growth.

In context, you succeed by emphasizing people over product.

Rather than needing to sell another 30 gizmos today to make your numbers, you say,’ How can I help this customer find the gizmo that fits his needs?’

You go from a commodity to only game in town.

You can help yourself and help others profit from your business by remembering these key points:

  • Be Passionate:  believe in yourself and your product or service.
  • Be Purposeful:  keep your eyes on your goal.
  • Be Process-oriented: develop plans, procedures; reassess and redirect at each milestone along the way.
  • Be People-driven. You’re dependent on them for your success