Sales is a Process- Step 3- Discovering wants and needs

Once you have gained favorable attention with the potential buyer, then you need to understand what are their needs.

This should not be an interrogation but a conversation. You ask a question and allow the potential buyer to explain what they think they want or need. Often what they think they want or need is not the solution to their issue or problem. So, you need to ask them simple probing questions that allows them to explain the situation that they are facing so that you can eventually offer the right solution. You are not selling at this point. You are discovering how they view the situation and what they want to improve. Often the solution is something completely different than what they originally thought.

Your task is to accumulate as much data as possible. You are listening and seeing the issue with a detached view. The buyer wants a solution so that they can move on to greater success or to deal with other issues. If you do not discover the complete want or need then you may not eventually offer the correct solution.

Sales people who are good at discovering wants and needs are viewed correctly by the buyer as a good listener who is focused on the buyer’s needs not what you have to sell.