Staying Focused

To get better results we must stay focused on the goal. How often have you heard or said:

  •  Times are tough
  •  The economy is bad
  •  There is not enough time
  •  Our prices are too high
  •  We need more customers or prospects
  •  Our competition has a better product


If we accepted those excuses for not achieving our business goals most businesses would go out of business and many do. To overcome this type of thinking we must stay focused on our goals and take action every day to achieve them.


When we stay focused on success we achieve the following:


  • We change the way we look at things and the things we look at change
  • We become aware of new possibilities
  • We create new, different and more productive choices
  • We create new and different life experiences
  • We ask more questions and get more positive answers
  • We create more opportunities to further sharpen our focus and improve the outcomes.


The importance of focus is that it provides you with your direction for success. It helps you remove the excuses and achieve at levels never attained before.


So how do you get that focus?

Ask yourself the following questions:

Ø      Am I doing what I need to do to be successful?

Ø      Am I asking for help when I need to?

Ø      Do I know what I am doing wrong?

Ø      Am I developing better habits personally and professionally?

Ø      Do I have a plan for success?

Ø      What is my real focus?


When you have the answers to these questions, then you can develop our focused plan for success.


Former Olympic Champion Bruce Jenner has this to say about focus “ To me, the definition of focus is knowing exactly where you want to be today, next week, next month, next year and then never deviating from your plan. Once you can see, touch and feel your objective, all you have to do is pull back and put all your strength behind it and you will hit your target every time.”



Hank Sullivan is a nationally certified business coach, author and speaker. His newest book is entitled “Speaking of Success”. If you need help in developing your focus contact him at or call 510-432-7596.