Strategic Use of Time


We live in a 24 / 7 world. We live in an instant world. We live in a world where some people live time zones way from where they work. We carry our computer and phone with us wherever we go. In fact, the first thing people say to a group these days is “please turn off your cell phone.”

Therefore, there are tremendous demands on our time. People will often say “I just don’t have enough time or if only I had more time.”

This need for speed and responsiveness has left few people or businesses untouched. Only a few short years ago, we were amazed with the speed of the microwave and today we are impatient that a computer may take 2 minutes to boot-up.

There is no shortage of unique time management planning systems to solve the time management problem. However, the question is can you really manage time and the answer is not really. You can only manage you. Do you need a system? Yes. You need a system that fits your needs and one that you will use.

Before selecting a system however you need to develop a strategy that works for you. Effective utilization of time is a skill, a mindset and a lifestyle. It can be learned by:

Ø Anyone who has a desire to get more out of their life

Ø Someone who wants to feel more in control

Ø A person who wants to achieve success in business

Ø Someone who wants to reduce stress and realize more balance in their lives

So if you want to have more control of your time then you need to commit to Change. Everyone knows that if we continue to do the same thing, we will continue to get the same result. So if you want to have more control of your time then you need to change.

There are 3 basic things you can do that will result in better utilization of your time:

v Do It Now – We normally do what we like first and avoid what

we do not like. We often do things at the last

minute that could have been done earlier.

Change that habit with scheduling the things we do

not like to do first. It will give you more time for

those that you like.

v Dump It We may clutter our desks and life’s with things

that should be thrown away. Piles of paper and

magazines for instance that really either need

to be read now or just dumped. It will clear the

way to getting important things done.

v Delegate We do too many things that others should be doing.

We do it because we can do it cheaper, faster and

better when in fact it would be better to delegate.

So in summary, the effective use of time begins with you and your willingness to change your habits. In the words of Paul Meyer “Time is usually wasted in the same way every day.”

If you want more information about Time Strategies contact Hank Sullivan at Strategic Solutions.