Surviving and Succeeding in Tough Economic Times

1.      Keep a positive attitude- positive thinking gets positive results which will help you survive

2.      Focus on what you want to achieve and write it down- putting your plans in writing increases your chance to attain them

3.      Just Do It-  action is the key to achieving success during tough times

4.      Improve all the time- never stop learning how to improve and surviving

5.      Stay focused-  keep working on your goals to succeed

6.      Know the details-  keep exact records of your business and analyze them all the time

7.      Don’t get distracted- know what you want to achieve and stay on point to achieve success

8.      Don’t fear change- remember if you want a different result then you have to change

9.      Listen- remember communication is a two way street

10.  Remember integrity is first and always- if you are honest and set you standards high everyone will notice