The Importance of a Good Cultural Fit


ne of the aspects of the hiring process that’s often overlooked by companies is that of cultural fit.  In other words, how well a candidate fits into the overall culture of the organization. While at first glance, that consideration might not seem too important, it’s actually crucial for ensuring a good hire with a high probability of retention.

There are two measures by which you can assess a candidate’s potential for fitting into the company’s culture. Those two are as follows:

·         The candidate’s values or the things that they hold in most esteem.  One way in which to ensure that the candidates you hire share the same values as your company is to pro-actively promote the company’s values. This can be done by posting them on its website, as well as someplace within the building, such as in the lobby. (The statement of values can also include the company’s mission statement.)

·         The manner in which the candidate likes to work.  This pertains to their “preference for production” and how it stacks up against the company’s standard operating procedures. Do they prefer to work alone? Or do they thrive in a more cooperative atmosphere? If there isn’t a match between the candidates’ most efficient mode of operation and the company’s, problems could arise.

Making a good hire a bad one

There’s no doubt that talent and skill set are important components in determining who to hire. In fact, it could even be said that those are the main factors in the decision-making and hiring process. However, it would be a critical mistake to not take into consideration the importance of a good cultural fit.

Without such a fit, a potentially good hire can sour over time. The employee will gradually become less productive, less motivated, and less likely to remain engaged in their position. All that means, of course, that they’re a prime candidate to leave, which is exactly what you don’t want.

If you have any questions about how we can help you with your hiring needs, contact us at 510-432-7596 or E-mail